Friday, June 25, 2010
The "say sayers" say that the same way you acquired a relationship, is the same way you will relinquish it. If you were in a relationship while starting another one then chances are you'll be dropping your current mate for the next best thing that comes along. More than likely, if you obtained your better half while they were emotionally obligated to someone else then someone will eventually entice them enough to leave you. If you started a relationship based on physical appearance, as soon as the looks fade you're on to the next piece of eye candy. If you entered into a relationship with someone based on their financial status, then you'll be gone as soon as the money runs out. I could go on and on, but I'm sure by now you see where I'm going with this!
I truly believe in karma, but I don't know that I believe it happens so succinctly. Just because you started a relationship with someone while they were on the tail end of another relationship, it doesn't mean they will leave you for someone else once you get together. Hell, it could've been meant for you to be with that person all along. They could be your "soul mate", if you believe in such a thing. There's no such thing as coincidence, so everyone who enters your life is there for a reason. Every relationship that you engage in is predestined by fate. Now the person or situation may not endure for the long haul but there is definitely something to be learned.
We all must reap the harvest from the seeds we sow but that doesn't mean that whatever energy we put out into the universe will boomerang back at us in the exact same way. I think it could be as simple as, you cheated in your last relationship and now you just can't seem to start another worthwhile relationship. Or you may have courted someone while they were involved in another relationship and once you had an honest chance at being with them you realize you changed your mind. You were just caught up in the allure of pursuing the unavailable, not wanting to be with them exclusively after all.
Now, I'm not saying to go out and do things without moral or emotional regard for others. I am saying to fully experience the experience and by all means, get the lesson! Regardless of if we want to admit it, we have all had a crush or desire to be with someone that was forbidden or not quite right, whether we pursued it or not. And if you did dare to pursue it, I'm sure it was hard for your heart to follow suit when your mind told you to end it. Sometimes in life we follow our hearts into some rather unconventional relationships, no matter how right or wrong they are. I think it's vital that we fully experience those relationships with the knowledge that there's a purpose for it in our lives at that time. Ultimately, there's a lesson to be learned and a blessing to be gained from every relationship, despite the way it began.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
What is the Speed Limit on Love?
On our way back home from the neighborhood diner, a friend and I debated how fast is too fast and how slow is too slow when working towards a committed relationship. How soon is too soon for a man to proclaim that he wants to date a woman exclusively? Two weeks into meeting someone is definitely too soon to commit to exclusivity, isn't it? How long is too long to give your all to a man before he feels compelled to make it official? Certainly a year and a half of "dating" or "kicking it" is a bit too long to wait to finally decide you want to make the relationship official, isn't it? Well, this has proven to be relative to the individuals involved in the "arrangements" or "courtships". Some people jump head first into relationships, learning their partners as they go. Others utilize the strategy of waiting their partner out, consistently observing to see if they change or have been leading with their "representative" instead of their true self.
Stacey and Andrea dated for about two years on and off before they realized that it just wasn't meant to be. Within the first two weeks of knowing each other, Stacey treated Andrea to a weekend escape in Miami. Stacey was the perfect gentleman, reserving a suite with two bedrooms instead of one. This was a sincere effort to ensure that Andrea felt completely comfortable and it definitely worked. To top it off, Stacey didn't even attempt to seduce Andrea at any point during the trip.
Just three short weeks after their initial Miami escape, Stacey helped Andrea celebrate her 28th birthday by surprising her with another weekend getaway. He took her to an exclusive resort attached to one of the finest, luxury malls in Tampa, Florida. Stacey was definitely succeeding in sweeping Andrea off her feet; however, there was a question that lingered in the back of Andrea's mind. She tried to disregard the question but it continued to permeate her thoughts.
True to form, Andrea's newly discovered prince charming took her on a spring break rendezvous to Puerto Rico a month after her birthday trip. Considering that this was their third trip since they met two months prior, the question lurking in the back of Andrea's mind was finally verbalized: Are we moving too fast?
Naturally, Andrea was floating on "cloud 9" as a result of Stacey's attempt to impressively gain her heart. In just two short months he had done what a lot of men don't do for their girlfriends or wives in a lifetime. In addition to the spontaneous vacations, Stacey showered Andrea with beautiful gifts. For her birthday, he laced her with the Louis Vuitton Damier, Speedy 30 handbag with the matching wallet. On any given day of the week it was likely for Andrea to be surprised at work by flowers. Not an assumed bouquet of roses, but Calla Lilies and Birds of Paradise, to name a few. Stacey was aiming at the jugular when it came to love and he would stop at nothing less than Andrea's heart. He also furnished her home with flat screen televisions for every room, all during a 60 day period.
Further supporting her doubts of moving too fast, Andrea and Stacey moved in together during month four of them knowing each other. Although they enjoyed a peaceful coexistence most of the time, the relationship wasn't solid enough to endure. Initially being blinded by the allure of a relationship, they later realized that they really didn't have an innate desire to be together. Truth be told, they didn't like each other that much after further inspection. Perhaps if they would have spent more time getting to know one another instead of indulging in surface level attraction, then their relationship could have grown into something much more genuine and stable.
When Taylor and Andre’ initially met, they had both just ended long term relationships. Needless to say, intentions and expectations were minimal in the beginning. Neither of them was seeking permanent commitment, at the time at least, so they started off as just being friends. They would hang out at local bars, restaurants and clubs like two "homeboys", eliminating any preconceived pressure and ultimately becoming true friends in the process.
As nature would have it, the attraction came along shortly thereafter. Taylor and Andre' began spending more time together and eventually they crossed over into a gray area of their friendship by becoming intimate. In an attempt to not complicate things, they both continued with the "I don't want a relationship" facade. This worked out perfectly for Andre', because although his feelings had grown tremendously for Taylor, he wasn't ready to even entertain the thought of settling down. His lack of desire to commit wasn't exclusive to Taylor; he just wasn't ready to be held accountable for anyone's feelings on that level. Taylor followed Andre's lead, secretly knowing that she wanted more.
Since Taylor was much more sensitive to a man's perception of commitment and relationships, she continued to be Andre's friend without expressing how she truly felt inside. Taylor was beyond wanting to take their friendship to the next level, she was ready for Andre' to make her his first priority. However, she didn't want to pressure him or make him feel like their relationship had to change in any way as a result of her professing her desire for more. As they proceeded in their relationship, the bond deepened and Taylor's need for commitment silently grew.
Now, two years have passed and Taylor and Andre' are still in the "homie-lover-friend" zone with no clear sign of the final destination being a relationship. To the outsider, they would appear to be a happy couple. From the inside, however, it's a different story. Taylor has expressed her desire to work towards a relationship, unlike before when she kept it concealed. Andre' has expressed the fact that he loves Taylor and the current state of their friendship, although still not ready for an exclusive relationship. This situation is definitely a "catch 22", it will ultimately end with Taylor becoming fed up with waiting or Andre' realizing that he wants what he's been avoiding all this time, a committed and exclusive relationship.
To some, Stacey and Andrea may have moved way too fast for their liking. Meeting and moving in together within four months of knowing each other can appear excessively premature to most. There was no time to truly get to know each other, without allowing outside factors to play too much of a roll in the formation of the relationship. Others may debate that Stacey and Andrea wouldn't have worked out no matter how much time they worked on the relationship.
In Taylor and Andre's case, I am going to assume that most would agree that they have known each other well over the "imaginary" allotted amount of time to decide if they want to move forward. Some may even argue that Taylor and Andre' have had what it takes for a solid relationship since their first spark of attraction.
Certainly love has no minimum or maximum speed limit. The speed of your arrangements, courtships and relationships are ultimately for you and your partner to decide. If it feels right from day one, go for it! And in the same token, if your "third eye" is telling you to take your time and feel the situation out as long as needed, then follow your instincts!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Single Black Female
A friend of mine posted a Facebook status the other day that provoked much thought and reflection into my life, as well as, the lives of some of my friends. The status read: “Why are there so many successful, single black women? Please elaborate…” Naturally, since opinions are like butt holes, everyone had one on the topic. There were a plethora of reasons given by the black female Facebookers and a few reasons provided by the males.
As a (previously) single black female in the city of Atlanta, I can formulate a laundry list of reasons why a beautiful, successful sister would be single in this day and age. First off, there aren't enough black males for every black female on the planet. That is our very first disadvantage. That being said, the playing field is ridiculously unleveled, in favor of the men. Guess this would be the opportune time to start dating outside of our race ladies, if you aren't already doing so. Secondly, there are a large amount of black males that are gay and simply not interested in women at all. Then you have the brothers that are confused or in denial about their sexuality, hence, the "down low" brother.
With all of the non-existent and unavailable men eliminated, we're left with a very small selection of men for a massive amount of women. That leads us to our next dilemma, the epidemic of sharing men. With such a wide variety of women available to the eligible bachelors it puts us women at a vast disadvantage. Men can have their "pick of the litter" so to speak, often juggling multiple women at a time, and attempting to take full advantage of our disadvantage. I won't put all the blame on the men, however, because there are many women willing to actively participate in the sharing of a man. Some women feel that a piece of man is better than not having a man at all. Also, some women don't feel the need for an emotional connection so using a man for physical purposes only lends itself to inclusivity. This creates a culture of men who don't feel the need to settle down, because they aren't being asked to do so by the women in their lives.
So now we're left with an even smaller selection of eligible bachelors. Sifting through them can be much like going through the clearance rack at Marshalls or TJ Maxx. You have to look very carefully to make sure you don't miss any stains, rips or malfunctions that could cause damage later on. The gift of discernment and the ability to see through flagrancy definitely comes in handy here. It is my belief that when you initially make the acquaintance of someone new, you are meeting their representative. You don't actually meet the real person until further into the relationship. Finding out that the person you fell in love with is someone totally different than who you believed them to be can be a definite deal breaker.
Music, media and culture have a major impact on the whole "group think" syndrome and pressure of living up to a certain allure or standard. Considering men have large egos, they are more likely to put on a false image of status, wealth and power to attract women. This is the result of low self-esteem, external pressure and also an attempt to disguise a lack of substance within. Unfortunately, this is the situation that many women find themselves in, only after becoming deeply involved with a man. Now the decision has to be made to continue the relationship, ultimately settling, or end the relationship and return to being another single black female.
I will play devil's advocate for a second and say that many women don't know what the hell they want. Better stated, they know what they want, but often it's not what they need. Many of us want the reformed bad boy or brother with swagger, when what we really need is the gentleman who is going to treat and make us feel like a woman. Some women want the man who doesn't call for days instead of the man who will check in daily to make sure they're okay. Some even want the man who only has time for them once in a while instead of the man who wants to wine, dine and spend quality time. Then there are the women who prefer to spend their time catering to a man that never caters to them.
I could go on for days as to why there are so many single black females but that would be pointless. The reasons are endless, all encompassing and relative to the individual. Certainly, if we asked one hundred single women why they are single we would get one hundred different answers. The fact is being a single black female has become a widespread epidemic, with no signs of a cure. This is just another harsh reality of the generation and culture that we currently claim as our own.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Compatibility vs. Chemistry
Which is more important in a relationship, compatibility or chemistry? Some would argue that both factor equally. After all, you do want to feel like you and your mate make a good team in the game of life. That natural, almost animalistic attraction should flow effortlessly between you. I often wonder though how realistic it is to have both. Most relationships only have one or the other. Some have that attraction that won't allow them to keep their hands to themselves but when it comes to having deep, thought provoking conversations, there's nothing. Others have that conversation and intellectual stimulation but no natural physical attraction, or chemistry. What if you've experienced a relationship or have found that special someone that brings both chemistry and compatibility to the situation? Does that mean that's the situation you need to be in?
My past two relationships were either high in compatibility or chemistry, but unfortunately neither possessed both. My most recent relationship had that undeniable, can't keep your hands to yourself chemistry. We started off as friends and really took the time to get to know one another. Unluckily for me I didn't get to know him well enough because he turned out to be one of the biggest liars I have ever met! But we'll get back to that later. So the chemistry was superb and the conversation was deep and thought provoking. We also shared a passion for one another that I haven't experienced many times in my life. I could literally talk to him about anything and he could do the same with me, or so I thought. That being said, I don't think we were the most compatible in the long run. The relationship was lacking stability and I just didn't feel secure, not financially but as a whole. In the end, he turned out to be professionally, financially and logically unstable. He was the master of deception and he put on the greatest front. Of course, my intuition was telling me all along that something wasn't completely right but I ignored it initially. When the truth finally came to light, I realized that almost everything that he told me was a lie. All the chemistry in the world couldn't make up for him being a liar!
My relationship prior to the liar was based on compatibility and a mutual respect for one another. By all means he could have been easily considered the prototypical man. During our courtship phase, as well as, far into the relationship, he showered me with flowers, gifts and a general concern for my well-being. He would make sure that I had eaten; he would fill my car up with gas and make sure that the oil changes were current. I was also his spoiled little brat; there was nothing that I wanted for that I couldn't have, considering it was within his reach. When it came down to genuine chemistry, however; it just wasn't there. Our conversations were very basic and surface level. He didn't fully understand me or appreciate me as an individual. We also had two clashing personalities and many opposing views. All the spoiling and chivalry in the world couldn't make up for the nasty arguments and misunderstandings that we had. Looking back on it, I think I was comfortable with the stability that he provided. I felt safe and secure, which is a very good feeling to have in a relationship. No matter how in love we were with the "idea" of us, in the end we proved to be all wrong for each other.
This takes me back to my original question....which is more important in a relationship, compatibility or chemistry? I truly believe that it is extremely rare to find both; however, my faith allows me to believe that it is definitely possible.
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