Friday, June 25, 2010


The "say sayers" say that the same way you acquired a relationship, is the same way you will relinquish it. If you were in a relationship while starting another one then chances are you'll be dropping your current mate for the next best thing that comes along. More than likely, if you obtained your better half while they were emotionally obligated to someone else then someone will eventually entice them enough to leave you. If you started a relationship based on physical appearance, as soon as the looks fade you're on to the next piece of eye candy. If you entered into a relationship with someone based on their financial status, then you'll be gone as soon as the money runs out. I could go on and on, but I'm sure by now you see where I'm going with this! I truly believe in karma, but I don't know that I believe it happens so succinctly. Just because you started a relationship with someone while they were on the tail end of another relationship, it doesn't mean they will leave you for someone else once you get together. Hell, it could've been meant for you to be with that person all along. They could be your "soul mate", if you believe in such a thing. There's no such thing as coincidence, so everyone who enters your life is there for a reason. Every relationship that you engage in is predestined by fate. Now the person or situation may not endure for the long haul but there is definitely something to be learned. We all must reap the harvest from the seeds we sow but that doesn't mean that whatever energy we put out into the universe will boomerang back at us in the exact same way. I think it could be as simple as, you cheated in your last relationship and now you just can't seem to start another worthwhile relationship. Or you may have courted someone while they were involved in another relationship and once you had an honest chance at being with them you realize you changed your mind. You were just caught up in the allure of pursuing the unavailable, not wanting to be with them exclusively after all. Now, I'm not saying to go out and do things without moral or emotional regard for others. I am saying to fully experience the experience and by all means, get the lesson! Regardless of if we want to admit it, we have all had a crush or desire to be with someone that was forbidden or not quite right, whether we pursued it or not. And if you did dare to pursue it, I'm sure it was hard for your heart to follow suit when your mind told you to end it. Sometimes in life we follow our hearts into some rather unconventional relationships, no matter how right or wrong they are. I think it's vital that we fully experience those relationships with the knowledge that there's a purpose for it in our lives at that time. Ultimately, there's a lesson to be learned and a blessing to be gained from every relationship, despite the way it began.


  1. We were just talking about this today. Reading this made made me realize the things that I've done, intentionally and unintentionally, to others. But I also learned a lot of mistakes that I may have made in the past. but it really is a reality check. This is a blog that made me think of a number of relationships.

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I always love when people can relate to where I'm coming from and understand exactly what I'm saying.

  3. I'm certainly learning from my relationships and interactions as well. I keep encountering the same person over and over again, apparently, I'm not getting the lesson, but I will be very delighted when I do. I think it's a matter of being honest with myself first.
